Art is Our Voice

Art is Our Voice
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. -Pablo Picasso

Sunday, October 20, 2013

October Happenings

October has been a beautiful month- as it usually is here in New England. The art group has been going strong and looking forward to their February 2014 exhibit.
Here is a photo of Maria holding a paining of herself with her daughter. Linda is the talented artist of not only this portrait, but many portraits that have most recently adorned the walls of McAuley House. Linda has not only painted the guests, but volunteers and staff members. Thanks for sharing so much of your abundant talent with us Linda !

The above painting is a recent work by Linda ( LLK)  The inspiration for this work was a random piece of graffiti . Upon discussing the work with Linda I was reminded of the art of Glenn Ligon and JosĂ© Parlá .
Here are some new paintings from Maria. Maria has developed this great folk art style which at times seem as if they're influenced by her native Dominican Republic.

Daniel continues to  work on his architectonic drawings as well as his beautiful seascapes.
Way to do Daniel !

Last but not least we say goodbye to our good friend and loyal supporter of many years- Sister Theresita Donach. Sister T was honored this past week with a farewell party with the afternoon crew, volunteers and many guests. Sr T will be moving to Illinois to continue her work with her community. Sr T is determined to return in February for our annual "Art from the Heart" exhibit.