Art is Our Voice

Art is Our Voice
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. -Pablo Picasso

Thursday, July 4, 2013

In the Studio with LLK

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In the Studio, LLK, a set on Flickr.  CLICK LINK ON LEFT TO SEE PHOTOS

In the Studio is a series of posts about the various artists that participate in our weekly painting group at McAuley House. Some of our artists have private work spaces while others paint wherever they are in the moment- shared living spaces, shelters, etc. I recently spent time with Linda , LLK, a prolific artist that creates at a magnitude I seldom encounter. Her work is dynamic, visionary and sends a strong message be it in the figure or the abstract. When I asked Linda where her inspiration comes from she answered the question as if she'd been painting for years. " I am inspired by beauty, unique expression, the body in motion, the personality, struggles, loves, the history, appearing in the arrangement of a face" was her answer. She refers to her style as "Emerging" which is a brilliant response.

Here are a few more questions Linda so eloquently answered:

KK:  Is there an artist you can relate to ?

LLK:  I relate to Freda Kahlo, Georgia O'Keefe, the Alvin Ailey Company, Herbie Hancock, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Beethoven, Picasso, Rothko, Pollock, Kandinsky, Basquiat, James Van Der Zee, and Gordon Parks.

KK :  Do you express different feelings when painting ?

LLK:  Painting has given me back my ability to express very deep emotions. Imagine that. I was 59 when I discovered I had this gift at my disposal. Through the McAuley House Art show I found public recognition of my work that far exceeded my expectations. I'm 60 now and I'm looking forward to the rest of my journey, as a painter and photographer. The group experience has given me the encouragement to find and express  my voice in the community.

KK :  What would you want someone to say about your art ?

LLK: I suppose I would want someone to say they discovered something new or different in viewing a subject that I painted.

KK:   If you could tell the world anything what would it be ?

LLK : It may take a lifetime to find a voice. Find the passion in yourself  to answer the call !

Thanks Linda

I'll be posting more In the Studio interviews and photos as I work on putting together a book about the artists and all that we have shared over the past years.  KK

Below are some updated paintings from Linda's recent collection.  You can see them in the collection on Flickr when you click on the link below.