Checking in.... Well, you know I miss all of you like crazy !!
I think of you everyday and want you to know I'm going to be back as soon as I can, which is not soon enough if you ask me !
So, my first heart surgery went well, but then I relapsed. Now, I need more surgery to keep me from relapsing again, which would be great. So, know that I'm feeling positive and ready to move onward and upward ASAP.
Everyone has been so kind and generous with endless prayers and support. So, one day I had the idea of making prayer cards ( artsy ones, of course ) in solidarity of all the other people that I read of on the Prayer list. So, I took a stack of cut paper and just started drawing on them, and then adding prayers. I felt so much better after making my first set, that I just kept making more, and more, and more. Now, I mail them to people I know, people I don't know, and I feel like I'm giving back and feeding my artsy soul at the same time. Here are some photos of the prayer cards -
I've also made small pieces of work, while sitting in my favorite red chair doing whatever
comes to me... no planning- just doodling or cutting up scraps of painted paper. I did experiment printing on freezer paper which was fun.

So, now you know what I've been up to ... Thanks for checking on me and being such great support buddies. I love you all so much ! 💙💚💜💛💙