Art is Our Voice

Art is Our Voice
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. -Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Creating Personal Shrines

 David Fair, artist
Artists create shrines to express many different things. Shrines can be political, humorous, sacred, satirical. Shrines may express strong emotions, or contain a message on everyday life. The act of creating shrines can also be quite therapeutic and healing as it enables us to express ourselves in a visual language reflective of one's most private thoughts.

By using the shrine format, and enshrining objects of significance- be it a piece of paper, a puzzle part, a beautiful picture, the artists creates a window looking at what is personally important, showing that there is something here of greater meaning than just a pleasing composition.

I think our artists created a remarkable collection of shrines- all very expressive.

 The shrines created  had many meanings. The shrine on the left
 was created to honor our military men and women serving in the Armed Forces.

When creating shrines it's wonderful to have an assortment of materials to choose from.

Shells, art history pictures, buttons, mirrors- all come together in the shrine below to transport the viewer to  
an underworld fantasy.                                                    
Debbie's box of Inspiration


Megan created a puzzle shrine to honor her grandmother.

To see more photos of the exciting artwork we're creating at McAuley house be sure to click on the flickr link on the right hand side of the main page.