Art is Our Voice

Art is Our Voice
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. -Pablo Picasso

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time Flies....

 I recently took these photos from the car on a rainy trip home after visiting a dear friend in Connecticut. 

Like a petal in the wind
Flows softly by
As old lives are taken
New ones begin
A continual chain
Which lasts throughout eternity
Every life but a minute in time
But each of equal importance

Time in Pictures..... So many wonderful things going on lately that it's hard to keep up with all the happenings. 
The Art group is going strong and the activity room is filling up with all types of new work. Linda is working on a new collection of paintings which tell a story about her encounter with a gentleman that repairs violins.

                                          Bob and Rocco paint and we all feel a little bit better !


 Ted absorbs himself in his painting while David makes greeting cards for a den mother and shopkeeper he visits on a weekly basis.

Daniel's studio
Linda at home

It's always a special treat when I get to visit some of our artists in their own creative spaces. Honestly- it's totally amazing. Thank you to all of you that have shared and continue to share your art, dreams, fears, and hopes for the future.

I'm sure by now everyone knows that I love to take photos of Nai, especially when she's in the midst of one of her art marathons. So, here's what she did this week....

Nai found an umbrella- just in time !