Welcome to the Earley Park
Community Garden in the Elmwood area of Providence, RI. This is the
third year for this neighborhood garden and it is growing strong !
a regular at McAuley House, is growing beans and peppers this summer to
share with his friends in the art group. Ray has his own plot which
measures about 3X5' which he expertly maintains on a regular basis. My
garden plot is right next to Ray's which is great as we can share in the
chores. In addition to Ray's vegetables we also have cabbage, cauliflower,various types of tomatoes, squash, strawberries, eggplant,
and lettuce.
we were deciding what to grow in the garden this season, the artists
had different suggestions. Fellow artist Bob brought in some seed
packets to donate which we used and shared with the other gardeners.
We'll keep you updated over the summer with our garden happenings. I'll
end with this garden quote I heard someone say years ago, " To plant a
garden is to believe in the future." Ray- we believe in your future as
well as the futures of all of our friends at McAuley House.