Art is Our Voice

Art is Our Voice
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. -Pablo Picasso

Monday, August 15, 2011

Studio Visit- Meet Linda

Linda at home

 Linda has only been painting for a few months. According to Linda, " When I paint I'm alive, free of my troubles, really in the moment of creating what's inside of me. I don't always know what I'm doing, but somehow it always seems to work out. I love it !"  Yes- she's definitely an artist that has been able to find beauty in moments of joy and sorrow- a sustaining force that seems to inspire her to move forward with her life. Her paintings are vibrant, mystical, deliberate, and created with a powerful discerning eye.
   When I arrived she had several pieces propped up in her living room. Her easel is located in her bedroom close to a window surrounded by paint supplies. She speaks elegantly about her work and her desire to keep on learning.
   Here are a few photos of another extraordinary artist living a very courageous life.

'My Father's Witness'


Proudly reviewing her collection
Linda's first easel !

 Thanks Linda for sharing your creative spirit with us !