Art is Our Voice

Art is Our Voice
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. -Pablo Picasso

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Exploring Matisse

Henri Matisse, Interior in Aubergines, 1911-1912
   We just finished our second thematic art class which examined the life and art of Henri Matisse (French, 1869- 1954 ). Matisse was one of the original 'Fauves' known for his bold use of color and brushwork. He was much inspired by his travels and used that visual, exotic, sensual inspiration in his paintings. Matisse wanted his pictures to be expressive, and elements in the painting to play a role. He was devoted to the human figure, but not the anatomical details. It was the paintings ability to engage the viewer that mattered most to Matisse.
    Few artists have had their work and life so affected by poor health as Matisse. Beginning from his early years until his death at eighty-four, Matisse was plagued by severe intestinal problems, respiratory illnesses, intestinal cancer with numerous complications, and eventually organ failure which confined him to a wheelchair at the end of his life.
   Matisse has been an inspiration for so many individuals. As our class continues to learn more about his life and his struggles I feel his influence will be even more appreciated. Matisse felt that art was healing. When his friends were sick, he would hang his work around their beds, convinced that the bright colors would help them feel better. His philosophy about art was that we should create both from our weakness and from our strength because what we think is our weakness is often our greatest strength.
   For Matisse and for us, poor health may hold the key to insight and evolution. When that happens we transform. Many of the artists in our group have both physical and emotional challenges as do many people in our society. The amazing beauty of our group is that we accept each other just the way we are.

The artists were shown various books and works by Matisse. The collages that were created are definitely inspired by Henri Matisse !

Coming together to create beauty

Russell  creates his own  "Red Interior"

David embraces the colors of Matisse
Matisse would be proud !
Gregory shines bright !
Bob has "captured" Matisse fishing in a great pink hat !